Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Animated Adventures and Accomplished Goals

Tea's Tea Animated Advenutre

Hey guys! I know that it has been a long, long, long, loooong time since I updated. However, I have got some great news. I started and completed a short animation! Now to some this may seem like a small feat, but to me, it is like a dream come true.

I am self taught in this section of my craft. I really wanted to take a class on it, but animation was not offered at the Uni until I was leaving (that seems to happen a lot). Any who, animation, along with illustration, has always had a special place in my heart. And although it may take long hours, weekends and sleepless nights to get the finished results, it is 100 percent worth it.
I guess what I am trying to say is if you have a something! It's not enough to dream, do something! Although this piece of advice is in reference to a song off of Cinderelmo, it is still true. All big dreams are accomplished when the first step is taken; no matter how big or small it is. If you want to get something done, just do it. It is good to plan and iron out some of the details, but don't let yourself get so caught up in that part. Although planning is all good and dandy, I found that when I sometimes analyzed too much, I was frightened by the task or discouraged altogether. But if you believe in yourself and take that leap of faith, I am sure that you will be able to accomplish whatever you put your mind to.
I hope to make this into a small  series. Not just video game adventures but fantastical adventures as well. 

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